Tra magazine e passerelle: che cosa ci ha suggerito questa MFW Uomo

Tra magazine e passerelle: che cosa ci ha suggerito questa MFW Uomo

Prima Pitti e poi la MFW, gennaio è iniziato con la moda uomo: tra stili diversi, vediamo quindi quali riviste di moda maschile ci ha suggerito. 

January 28, 2025 — VALENTINA ANGELI

Le copertine più belle e riuscite: quali sono e perché? Rassegna dicembre 2024

Le copertine sono il biglietto da visita e il primo incontro che abbiamo con un magazine. In questo articolo vedremo insieme alcune delle riviste che, per scatti fotografici iconici, sperimentazione grafica, illustrazione o formato, hanno realizzato alcune delle copertine più riuscite di questo 2024.
January 09, 2025 — VALENTINA ANGELI
La guida ai regali di Natale di Frab's, edizione 2024

La guida ai regali di Natale di Frab's, edizione 2024

A Natale... Magazine per tutt*! La nostra guida ad alcune delle riviste indipendenti più belle di questo 2024.
December 08, 2024 — VALENTINA ANGELI
guida ai regali di natale di frab's magazines

Frab's Christmas gift guide

No, we couldn't choose them all, but as partial as this guide is (write us for personalized advice!) We have selected some of the magazines that it is impossible not to love. Our guide to magazines to give for Christmas will help you juggle the hundreds of titles in our catalog, but above all to make you look good by choosing the perfect gift
December 13, 2021 — Anna Frabotta
Riviste letterarie: ecco quali leggere e perchè

Literary magazines: here are which ones to read and why

Many of the authors we love have made their debut in the pages of a literary magazine, selected by unsuspected editors who can recognize a good pen before anyone else. Free and without the constraints imposed by the market and sales, literary magazines are the lifeblood for the entire publishing sector and often the only springboard for emerging writers. We offer you a selection of our favorites.
October 10, 2021 — Anna Frabotta
Slow living inspiration? Ecco i magazine da non perdere

Slow living inspiration? Here are the magazines not to be missed

One of the characteristics of independent magazines is time: they are slow publications, with long and sometimes irregular cadences, but above all they need time and slowness to be read and really appreciated.

We often find this slowness also in the contents, which invite you to embrace a conscious life. We have selected five inspiring independent magazines that invite us to slow down, offering us ideas and good reasons for a more conscious lifestyle.

April 06, 2021 — Anna Frabotta
Perché abbiamo bisogno di Positive News?

Why do we need Positive News?

"Bad news are good news. Good news is no news. No news is bad news ". For the uninitiated, this is the first thing they teach you in any journalism course, but there is a different way to tell news, good or bad, and it's called constructive journalism. We explain how this new approach to information at the basis of magazines such as Positive News works

March 17, 2021 — Anna Frabotta
Magazine pieni di colore per combattere il Blue Monday

Magazines full of color to fight Blue Monday

The first magazines that arrived in 2021 deal with the sea, design, childhood, architecture and have in common a distinctive trait that has done us a lot of good these days: color. Considering that today is Blue Monday, a day that some define as the saddest of the year, we thought that telling you about these colors would be a nice way to distract yourself and surround yourself with beauty in these slightly gray days. 
January 18, 2021 — Anna Frabotta
Consigli di lettura per un Natale di Magazine

Reading tips for a Magazine Christmas

We tried to imagine what you and your friends might like, dividing the proposals by themes and emotions, because sometimes you have to be guided by perceptions rather than by "reason".
December 01, 2020 — Frab's Magazines & More
Consigli di lettura in un tempo sospeso - Frab's Magazines & More

Tips for reading in a suspended time

Covid-19 or coronavirus, this is the name of the alien that has swept our lives. In this suspended time, characterized by uncertainty, culture cannot stop. She will have the task of interpreting what is happening and rebuilding a more aware society. To keep your mind busy and reading, we recommend some independent magazines. We learn slowness from paper.
March 14, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
The Paper: un libro senza parole per aiutare Reporter Sans Frontier - Frab's Magazines & More

The Paper: a wordless book to help Reporter Sans Frontier

We all know that classic publishing is in crisis, what we perhaps stop shortly to reflect on is that the alleged death of paper is not the only problem the press suffers from.
Being a journalist, today as yesterday, is not easy, just think that since the beginning of the year 9 journalists have lost their lives and 339 have been imprisoned.
March 10, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Frab's Christmas Guide - Frab's Magazines & More

Frab's Christmas Guide

Give an independent magazine for Christmas: here are our tips!
December 01, 2019 — Dario Gaspari