Una playlist per lettori di magazine

Una playlist per lettori di magazine

Valerio Millefoglie, che di mestiere maneggia parole e musica, ha creato la playlist perfetta da ascoltare mentre vi immergete nel mondo dei magazine. 
Prendete la vostra rivista preferite, indossate le vostre cuffie e lasciatevi cullare dai suoni e dalla lettura. 
апрель 26, 2023 — Frab's Magazines & More
Spunti per il Manifesto di una nuova distribuzione editoriale

Ideas for the Manifesto of a new editorial distribution

We want to put together all the rumors that they are tired and would like to put an end to the vicious circle of the consignment. Can you help us create a network for the publishing of tomorrow?
май 09, 2021 — Frab's Magazines & More
Perché abbiamo bisogno di Positive News?

Why do we need Positive News?

"Bad news are good news. Good news is no news. No news is bad news ". For the uninitiated, this is the first thing they teach you in any journalism course, but there is a different way to tell news, good or bad, and it's called constructive journalism. We explain how this new approach to information at the basis of magazines such as Positive News works

март 17, 2021 — Anna Frabotta