White Fungus n. 16 - - Frab's Magazines & More

White Fungus n. 16 -

Contemporary art magazine produced in Taiwan. From music to performance art, it was born as a political manifesto to become over the years an instrument of profound analysis of the artistic movements of the controversial Asian island.
maj 13, 2019 — Frab's Magazines & More
Perfect Strangers n.1 - Roba da giramondo - Frab's Magazines & More

Perfect Strangers n.1 - Globetrotting stuff

The independent magazine for those who travel with body and mind or for those who soon dream of changing their lives. Many little stories from Tokyo to Berlin, from Lagos to Stockholm, under the banner of the beauty of multiculturalism.
maj 06, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Yuca n.3 - Cosa c'era nel Secret Mag Club di Aprile - Frab's Magazines & More

Yuca n.3 - What was in the April Secret Mag Club

Yuca is a conceptual magazine that comes from Bogota. In this issue, artists from all over the world portray and question the alibi of sound and the question of time. A magazine to be read with depth, on the border between art, metaphysics and philosophy.
kwiecień 27, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Noblerot n. 19 - Vino e cibo per sommelier senza giacchetta - Frab's Magazines & More

Noblerot no. 19 - Wine and food for sommeliers without jacket

Noblerot it is nothing more than the brilliant editorial invention of a real-life restaurant. An independent magazine whose only advertisement is that of its team of chefs and dining room staff. A magazine that can only have a single, very clear objective, that of conquering sommeliers without a label, lovers of good wine (and good food) who do not consider their passion an exact science 
kwiecień 23, 2019 — Frab's Magazines & More
Bloom Magazine n.2 - Giardinaggio di primavera - Frab's Magazines & More

Bloom Magazine n.2 - Spring gardening

Bloom is the magazine for those who love order, care and the combination of colors in gardens and house plants or in small spaces. Full of practical advice and beautiful photos of supermarket maps or real color jewels discovered especially for readers.
kwiecień 13, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
MacGuffin n.6 - Una magistrale dissertazione sulla palla - Frab's Magazines & More

MacGuffin n.6 - A masterful dissertation on the ball

MacGuffin is a magazine for graphic designers, designers and architects that will amaze you with the depth with which it analyzes the individual themes that give the title and specialization to its editions, from the sink to the rope, from the bed to the window, to arrive in this issue 6 to the ball. MacGuffin traces in each of his volumes the history, anamnesis and details of apparently common objects to give them non-trivial meanings and look at them from a slightly less considered side. 
kwiecień 10, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Typism - Il mook per i fan della tipografia - Frab's Magazines & More

Typism - The mook for typography fans

Typism is the Australian magazine for typography enthusiasts and professionals. It collects the typographic works of 192 professionals from all over the world, produced in black and white in a single volume. Available at a special price for pre-order until Sunday 7 April.
kwiecień 06, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Riviste cinesi di moda: Rouge Fashion Book e le altre - Frab's Magazines & More

Chinese fashion magazines: Rouge Fashion Book and others

China is close. But above all China is a candidate to become the greatest superpower even in fields where the old world and Italy in particular continue to defend themselves only on the strength of old glories of the past. Among them, fashion.
marzec 24, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Perchè Frab's? - Frab's Magazines & More

Why Frab's?

Finally Frab's Magazines & More is online. With a lot of emotion and even a little fear, in a historical period that makes inculturation a value, we have decided to invest...
marzec 15, 2019 — Anna Frabotta