At home, we subscribe to Economist, Times, New Yorker and, occasionally, to other magazines. Simple glossy paper, but contents that stimulate our minds and thoughts incredibly. We could have read them digitally, but being paper fetishists, we always choose the paper subscription.  The offers are amazing: great publishing giants that focus on content, manage to snatch mind-boggling offers in which you even paid a quarter of the value of the single issue for the magazine. A fly in the ointment: apart from a few introductory offers of a few months, the only affordable prices are those that inexorably bind you, and only with prepayment, to that magazine for at least 6 months or a year.

When we founded Frab’s (which, for those who do not know and since you continue and ask us, is the diminutive of Anna's surname: Frabotta), we wondered how to interpret the subscription service for independent magazines. 
In the desert of indiemags in Italy, we took inspiration from various European models and gave life to the formula of Secret Mag Club, which is essentially 3 things: maximum freedom (no restrictions, you can unsubscribe whenever you want with a simple email), emotion of a gift (the magazine comes in one of our gift packages with vintage photos) e low cost (the average value of the magazines + shipping is equal to or higher than the subscription price).

Secret Mag Club Frab's

We created it, the first and only subscription in Italy of independent magazines, together with Frab's in May 2019 and since then, since the first subscriber - who is still part of the Club and which we highly esteem - has given us confidence, several dozen you have trusted in our choices. From that moment it was a series of fun for us looking for incredible magazines to offer to those who gave us the responsibility for their small dose of joy in monthly paper and ink. 
The magazines were then added photos, which as a joke we started putting on every package and now they have become a piece that cannot be missing even in the Secret and which, only for subscribers, are accompanied by a story written by us linked to the photographs. the funny part is that this story is like a serial tv series, it goes on from month to month!

One nice thing about our Secret is that we never ship inventory, we always ship fresh stock. We have already done this for a few months, but it will become the norm from the next: to subscribers of the Secret MAg Club will only send previews, therefore magazines not yet published on our site and often unpublished in Italy. Because being part of this circle of enthusiasts also means being the first to enjoy the beauty that is about to arrive.

To conclude, let's retrace the history of the Secret Mag Club with you: these are the titles we have presented since our birth:

The Secret Mag Club is the freedom to give yourself a gift, enjoy a surprise, take a few hours to read a good magazine and be part of a Club that will soon begin to interact even in offline life.

If you want to join, the road is up this link.

maj 03, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator


Carmen Fasitta said:

Mi sono appena iscritta al Club e non vedo l’ora di ricevere la prima rivista.
Sono un’amante della bellezza in tutte le sue forme e curiosa del mondo. Penso che la vostra idea possa essere un balsamo per l’anima, da aggiungere al resto della bellezza che si trova in tutte le cose, se si hanno gli occhi per guardare. Grazie Carmen

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