You know The World If of the Economist? This is a series of articles that try to describe hypothetical scenarios on the future of the world in the medium to long term. Among more or less plausible and more or less apocalyptic scenarios, the one that perhaps took my sleep the most dates back to 2017 and tries to imagine a world in which a solar storm destroys the electricity grid of an entire nation (you can find it here).
A similar exercise was also done in the new issue of How much magazine which, in terms of hypothesizing future scenarios that we hope never to live, could placidly compete with The World if, however, beating the well-known column of the English weekly in style and beauty.

Entrusted once again to the imagination and to the pen of Zeno Toppan, this highly anticipated third edition of Quanto, prequel to the first, projects us into a dystopian world in which the internet breaks down to never return, if not at a very high cost, and the relationship between man and nature is interrupted, reduced to the whisper of animals that hide secrets and messages to be deciphered, before the company takes control of the world. In short, the scenario depicted is that of the collapse of the world as we know it today, but also of hope and terror for the construction of a new horizon of things that could resemble the old too much.
Impossible not to notice allegories with our world, from the environmental crisis to the health emergency, passing through that "everything will be as before" without being able to really be, as Giovanni Cavalleri and Zeno Toppan also told us in an interview last April.

Without revealing too much of the plot, it is enough to know that the story rides very well all the elements that make a story of speculative fiction an excellent speculative fiction tale. The chapters, short and introduced by titles that it is up to the reader to decipher, flow quickly one after the other, with the pages that let themselves be devoured so much is the curiosity to discover the ending. In addition to the main story, there are seven other short stories accompanied by as many images, the perfect accompaniment to a narrative structure which, like a puzzle, makes the reader an active spectator of the story. 

Superlative, then, the choices of graphics and design.
The papers, two different, come from Japan, alternating the softness of a gray paper on which the main story flows to the touch, with the porosity of a red embossed paper on which illustrations and short stories stand out in black and silver ink. To embellish the volume, the visible thread binding and the red dust jacket with the inevitable holographic headboard. 

Giovanni Cavalleri and Zeno Toppan once again give us an experience in another world which, however, has different points of contact with other worlds, real or fictional, that the bowels of Quanto have revealed to us. 

The third edition of QUANTO has been selected for our August Secret Mag Club and you can buy it HERE.

sierpień 27, 2021 — Anna Frabotta

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