Frab's Christmas gift guide
We are only two weeks away from Christmas and we know exactly how you feel. You have little time for Christmas shopping, but you are looking for a different gift, somehow unique, that is intelligent, but also tremendously beautiful, a little nostalgic, but that knows how to look far. In short, you are looking for an independent magazine and maybe you didn't know it yet!
To guide you among the more than 400 titles in our catalog, we have decided to recommend those magazines that never disappoint, that know how to amaze and also give and give you (because yes, even at Christmas you need to get self-gifts) moments of relaxation , reflection and fun.
We tried to imagine what you and your friends might like, dividing the proposals by themes and emotions, because sometimes it is nice to be guided by perceptions rather than by "reason".
So here's the ultimate guide to Frab's 2021 Christmas gifts 🎄
It's a Passion Thing and Courier for those who have decided that 2022 is the year of change
The last two years have been very special, to put it mildly, but they have also allowed many of us to stop and reflect on our work and our projects and dreams. Someone gave up everything to reinvent themselves, someone else began to imagine a different future in which work coincided with their passion. It is precisely to the latter that I recommend two titles (plus a bonus) that are definitely inspirational because they tell us the stories of creatives and small entrepreneurs who have made their dream their job and, in doing so, they also give us practical advice to get started. to build a business plan, make a budget or create a crowdfunding campaign, just to give examples.
It's a Passion Thing inspires you, Courier guides you. The bonus? Obviously the Courier guide 100 ways to make a living . With these titles you will not only give a magazine, but that pinch of courage you need to start doing something new!

Menelique, Where the leaves fall and Doc! for those wondering about climate change
It is probably the question of our century, the greatest emergency we are called to face and we cannot afford the luxury of stopping asking ourselves about climate change even at Christmas. So here are three titles, to which you can add It's freezing in LA, which speak of the anthropocene, the environmental crisis and the relationship between man and nature in truly innovative ways. Doc! it does so above all through the images, fascinating and disturbing at the same time, of how man, placing himself at the center and ignoring that he is not the only species to inhabit this planet, is modifying the spaces it occupies. Menelique reflects on environmentalism and animalism from a perspective that we could define as socialist and which criticizes so-called green policies. Where the leaves fall he wants us to rediscover the connection with nature that we have lost by surrounding us only with what man builds.
Dàme, Riposte and Frute to put awareness and inclusiveness first
Some magazines are beautiful, others are beautiful and necessary because if it is true that today feminism is a bit of a fashion, it is also true that we need those who, in an authentic way, stimulate a real debate around topics that are really dear to us. Give it to me it is the latest publication published by Frab's, it is not a bet, but a project we believed in right from the start, looking around and seeing the noise that echoes every day around the pink washing. Dàme is the point and line that we felt right to put in this debate and is, above all, the striking example of how much a magazine can and should make a difference. In excellent company, highly recommended too fruity and Riposte magazine.
Orlando, Blumenhaus and Hamam for those who want to surround themselves with beauty
There is art and literature, food and design, botany and poetry. There is, in essence, all the power of beauty (starting from the cover) in the pages of these magazines. Italian the first, French the second, Turkish the third. In common they have wonderful covers and clever content that inspire, relax and teach you to let go. Orlando exudes all the beauty that can be found in a work of art as well as in a good glass of wine, in an unusual reading or in a design suite. Blumenhaus is elegant and damn beautiful, a magazine that connects botany, fashion and art making us discover the importance of apparently frivolous, but incredibly indispensable things. Bath is a unique magazine that explores an ancient culture and ritual like that of the bathroom (whether in the tub at home or at the spa), an essential moment in which we let ourselves go to welcome great ideas or simply to relax.
Cartography, Storied and Hidden Scotland to give the thrill of travel
Different destinations, same emotion: that of the journey, authentic and far from mass tourism, which we have partially given up in recent months. With Cartography we go to admire the wonder that hides under (and above) ice and snow in Swedish Lapland, then we move into the uncontaminated nature of the Galapagos and discover Georgia with its troubled past. Storied takes us to the most authentic Japan, where tradition and modernity meet, mind, nomen omen, Hidden Scotland he tells us about the truest (and unknown) part of his country.
A Magazine Curated by, Purple e Perfect per i fashion addicted
They are real objects of desire, the top of the fashion magazines in circulation. A Magazine Curated By, Purple and the baby girl Perfect they lead the way in fashion magazines by mixing fashion, art, culture and society on their pages.
Monu, Apartamento and New Era to rethink the world starting from our homes ...
How do the spaces we inhabit influence our behaviors and our creativity, as individuals or on a social level? These three titles, in reality very different from each other, tell us about it, but united by the same curiosity towards living. Monu mixes social and urban issues, Apartment inspires us by bringing us to the home of artists and creatives, The New Era it shows me a different way of living from ours, the Scandinavian one.
... or from a single typeface
BranD, New Aesthetic and Euclid they essentially remind us of one thing: type design is a true form of art and, as such, speaks to us of the time in which it is immersed.

For those who want to surprise with eros, beauty and culture
They do not need too many presentations, but they are gifts that certainly stand out, either for the content, or for the large, indeed giants, dimensions, such as the Carnal 2022 calendar. Give a gift erotic magazine certainly sends a message that few will ignore.
For the undecided and the latecomers
Remember that with a gift voucher or a subscription to ours Secret Mag Club never make a mistake and you are on time until the last minute!