Frab's Christmas Guide - Frab's Magazines & More

Frab's Christmas Guide

Give an independent magazine for Christmas: here are our tips!
December 01, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Un regalo di Natale per il nostro Club - Frab's Magazines & More

A Christmas present for our Club

For our first Christmas, Secret Mag Club subscribers receive a special limited edition gift created especially for Frab's.
November 26, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
(RE)PICTURE magazine: dal Giappone con stupore - Frab's Magazines & More

(RE) PICTURE magazine: from Japan with amazement

Creating a magazine without words is simple, but doing it without images seems an almost insane undertaking. Yet there are those who have done this too and, of course, we at Frab's, always on the hunt for particular magazines that cannot be found in Italy, could not fail to offer you this rarity that comes from Japan.
October 19, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Un nuovo modo di raccontare il mare: Sirene Journal - Frab's Magazines & More

A new way of telling the sea: Sirene Journal

A sea magazine that talks about lives lived above or below the seas and oceans around the world. The magazine for those who feel the waves inside.
September 30, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Alhaus n.4 - Ispirazione per storytelling - Frab's Magazines & More

Alhaus n.4 - Inspiration for storytelling

We see that it comes from the world of social marketing: the first thing that strikes us of Alhaus are the covers with captivating illustrations. Magazine published in Ireland and published in London with collaborators from all over the world, it does not fall into any of the categories in which we have always framed our magazines, it could be an art magazine but not only: Alhaus is an inspirational magazine. 
August 27, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Frab's ricicla. Il nostro impegno per ridurre i rifiuti. - Frab's Magazines & More

Frab's recycles. Our commitment to reduce waste.

You may wonder what a dissertation on recycling has to do with Frab's. Well, it has to do with it because every time we ship, to get our beautiful magazines to their destination safely we must necessarily produce and use other paper, plastic and various packaging materials. But we are committed on the one hand to replace plastic with a cardboard envelope, on the other hand to recycle as much as possible, including packaging and bubble wrap.
August 19, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
C-Site n.1 - La Cina e il nuovo destrutturato - Frab's Magazines & More

C-Site n.1 - China and the new unstructured

C-Site is a graphic design experiment in its first limited edition release straight from Beijing. 1000 copies of a project that also practically deconstructs the idea of an interview.
July 28, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Polpettas on Paper - Issue 4 - Frab's Magazines & More

Polpettas on Paper - Issue 4

With its highly detailed long-form interviews with contemporary artists from around the world, this independent magazine with an Italian heart is a must have for art lovers in all its forms

July 12, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Quanto magazine - Tra fantascienza e letteratura speculativa - Frab's Magazines & More

Quanto magazine - Between science fiction and speculative literature

The first issue of a limited edition magazine of speculative literature leaves no room for the imagination. This magazine can be read, observed, touched and felt.
July 07, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Run Wild Magazine - Issue 1 - Frab's Magazines & More

Run Wild Magazine - Issue 1

Photographs and travel stories in the most remote places in the world, where the Anthropocene seems far away and nature reigns supreme.
July 01, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Archivio n.3 - The American Issue - Frab's Magazines & More

Archive # 3 - The American Issue

The first magazine in the world made only of archival materials. Archivio Magazine in its number three edition digs into archives around the world and brings out stories and photographs of a true, powerful and
June 28, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Chi sono "Gli Ultrauomini?" - La nostra intervista a Nicola Feninno - Frab's Magazines & More

Who are "The Ultra Men?" - Our interview with Nicola Feninno

Interview with Nicola Feninno of CTRL Magazine on "Gli Ultrauomini", the latest work of the publishing house that will be presented in Rimini by Frab's Magazines.
June 16, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Tags: interviste