Vendere riviste online: la storia di Frab's - Frab's Magazines & More

Selling Magazines Online: The Frab's Story

In this article we talk about the behind the scenes of Frab's Magazines, how we managed to build a company that sells independent limited edition magazines in Italy. Not of those found on newsstands, but products with an artistic and cultural research at the very highest base, produced in small runs and from all over the world. Why are we telling you these things? Because in a while we will be one year old, and taking stock by finding the awareness of who we are helps us to give ourselves a boost for the future. So, let's get started. 
March 29, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Terrible People - Frab's Magazines & More

Terrible People

The fanzine of terrible people, distressing facts and the Schadenfreude. To be read carefully to carefully avoid the Terrible People that surround us every day, in every part of the globe.
March 19, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Visions - 31 racconti e storie sul mondo futuribile - Frab's Magazines & More

Visions - 31 tales and stories about the future world

Visions is a science fiction magazine that tells future scenarios of the technological innovations of our days. From robots for household chores, to artificial beauty, up to the hypothesis of the eternal present.
March 15, 2020 — Frab's Magazines & More
Consigli di lettura in un tempo sospeso - Frab's Magazines & More

Tips for reading in a suspended time

Covid-19 or coronavirus, this is the name of the alien that has swept our lives. In this suspended time, characterized by uncertainty, culture cannot stop. She will have the task of interpreting what is happening and rebuilding a more aware society. To keep your mind busy and reading, we recommend some independent magazines. We learn slowness from paper.
March 14, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
The Paper: un libro senza parole per aiutare Reporter Sans Frontier - Frab's Magazines & More

The Paper: a wordless book to help Reporter Sans Frontier

We all know that classic publishing is in crisis, what we perhaps stop shortly to reflect on is that the alleged death of paper is not the only problem the press suffers from.
Being a journalist, today as yesterday, is not easy, just think that since the beginning of the year 9 journalists have lost their lives and 339 have been imprisoned.
March 10, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Una rivista, il femminismo e l'8 marzo di Frab's - Frab's Magazines & More

A magazine, feminism and Frab's March 8

On Frab's you will always find a selection of magazines animated by feminist and gender-free ideals, because patriarchy can be defeated even one page at a time.
Among the many magazines we have and have had in our catalog, today we recommend one in particular which is the perfect summary of small struggles, passion for one's cause and editorial beauty. 
March 06, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Foto d’epoca e storie nel Secret Mag Club - Frab's Magazines & More

Vintage photos and stories in the Secret Mag Club

On our packages you often find old analogue photos. From March these photos come to life in a story reserved for members of the Secret Mag Club.
March 03, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Frab's è arrivata a Roma! - Frab's Magazines & More

Frab's has arrived in Rome!

We launched a Rome the first (hopefully many) structured collaboration that allows us to be present not only in the ether, but also in the physical world. They are the boys of Lab606, coworking in the Capitoline city located in via Monti Tiburtini 606, and the project we worked on together is called Frab's Space.
February 18, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
BLUE MONDAY di sconti e bellezza con Frab's - Frab's Magazines & More

BLUE MONDAY of discounts and beauty with Frab's

For Blue Monday 2020 we have thought of a special gift for our customers who need to cheer themselves up!
January 20, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Maize, ovvero come la tecnologia ci sta cambiando e ci cambierà - Frab's Magazines & More

Maize, or how technology is changing us and will change us

The H-farm magazine that talks about technology, innovation and their impact on the destiny of man. A brave and unique piece, a thick houseorgan in the world of independent magazines.
January 02, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
I best seller 2019 di Frab's - Frab's Magazines & More

Frab's 2019 best sellers

An incredible year is about to end: it was the year that saw the birth of Frab's, which took us to many events in Italy and abroad to tell you about wonderful editorial projects. It was the year in which, together with Frab's, a beautiful community of fans and lovers of independent publishing was born. So here are the titles you loved the most in 2019
December 30, 2019 — Dario Gaspari
Secret Mag Club #10 dicembre 2019 - Frab's Magazines & More

Secret Mag Club # 10 December 2019

We are sure that everyone, in this month of enjoyable parties and tables, was doubly surprised by ours Secret Mag ClubGiven that Christmas is now over and everyone should have unwrapped their very secret Frab's package, we can also reveal to you what was in this month's Secret Mag Club.

December 27, 2019 — Dario Gaspari