Frab's Journal
Guida Turistica agli Aldiquà Selvatici: una visione sui margini del mondo. Intervista a Nicola Feninno.
Guida Turistica agli Aldiquà Selvatici è l’ultima uscita di Čapek magazine: un volume di ironia, sguardi e immagini scritte. Dopo una chiacchierata con Nicola Feninno, direttore di CTRL Magazine, caporedattore e cofondatore di Čapek, abbiamo fatto un tuffo nell’aldiquà del loro mondo. Vi portiamo con noi.
Verità, eleganza, credibilità: lo stile di vita di VEC magazine
That is, getting excited between the pages of a magazine
The sixth issue of the Fanzine Erotica has just come out, bringing porn back to where it was born about a century ago, in the wonderfully curated pages of a "dirty" magazine. On the occasion of our event in Rome, we interviewed the founder Alice Scornajenghi to let us tell everything about Ossì
That genius of Bolo Paper: interview with Marco Nicotra
Interview: Robida, when the magazine really creates community
Contemporary Archive: visual explorations between paper and digital
Archive Contemporaneo is a successful experiment of hybridization between paper and digital, a magazine / catalog that is unique in its genre for its ability to mix different languages, giving space to new artistic expressions and new narratives of the contemporary.
You can find it exclusively on Frab's.
Slow inspiration: interview with the founders of W (e) ave Magazine
Manaròt in our Secret Mag Club in June
Interview with Antonella Pescetto from Orlando
If we were to make a game and describe Orlando magazine with just one adjective, surely this would be beauty. The pages of this multidisciplinary magazine with an Italian soul exude all the beauty that can be found in a work of art as well as in a good glass of wine, in an unusual reading or in a design suite. We interviewed Antonella to let us better tell her creature.
Emanuela Martini tells us about her Cineforum
Founded in 1962, Cineforum in 2020 changes its skin: format, graphics and periodicity are revisited, remaining faithful to the original in the contents. Among its pages presentations and reviews alternate with controversy and discussions on dozens of films, analysis of film trends and authorial trends in this sector.
On the occasion of the release of the first issue we interviewed Emanuela Martini, editor of the magazine.