Jacobin Italy no. 13


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Jacobin Italia is a politically left-wing magazine that offers a socialist vision of politics, economics and contemporary culture. It is none other than the Italian version of the US magazine of the same name which collects 60,000 subscribers in its print edition.
It is a magazine that was born independent and that, despite its worldwide success in an audience with a deep left orientation, wants to keep its freedom. 

Speak about working class, class struggle, revolution may seem anachronistic yet it is all the more necessary. This issue of Jacobin investigates in several voices who the workers of the contemporary era are, how they live, work and organize themselves, also looking for an imaginary and a contemporary and personal vision of Pellizza da Volpedo's Quarto Stato, through the eyes and experience of eleven illustrators and illustrators who have reviewed and reinterpreted an iconic work of a community that advances united.