Sirene Journal n ° 12


The sea relaxes, Sirene Journal relaxes as much as the sea.

It is an independent Italian magazine that speaks only of the sea and of the whole archipelago of life that revolves around it. Inside you will find stories and pieces of life closely linked to the sea and its life that is not disturbed by the miserable events of earthly life.

Sailboats, divers, fishermen, simple ferry commuters, exotic villages, subsistence fishing, Sirene tells with the common thread of light wisdom that only the sea can give emotions, deep feelings and the stories it can tell.

The magazine is light as water, a lot of white and a lot of sea blue, in every possible shade that the sea knows in the world. It is a bit of a way to absolve oneself, to feel part of a community, that of sea lovers, which is sometimes too big and dirty by those who say they love the sea but do not live it with the intensity and respect that they are due to the main force of nature, water.

Paper: Shiro of recycled seaweed
Dimensions: 32x23.8 cm
Pages: 100
Italian language

Body surfing. The human side of the ocean. Paul Theroux. Anafi. The Little Black Shack. Giacomo De Stefano, a nomad with oars. The art of Japanese swimming. Sakamoto's Swim Club. Among the sailors of Île-à-Vache. Siargao, water games.