Dove si legge indipendente?

Where do you law independently?

The 2020 ranking of the cities where you buy more independent magazines on Frab's.
August 23, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Meantime zine - Issue 2 "Ghost Stories" - Frab's Magazines & More

Meantime zine - Issue 2 "Ghost Stories"

Meantime zine is the magazine that tells the history of Singapore in a way that no manual could ever do. Issue 2 is all about "Ghost Stories".
July 11, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
I DImezzati: intervista a Nicola Feninno di CTRL magazine - Frab's Magazines & More

I DImezzati: interview with Nicola Feninno from CTRL magazine

Nicola Feninno, director of CTRL magazine, told us some curiosities about I DIMEZZATI, the second volume of the Normalissima Trilogy started with ULTRAUOMINI
June 25, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
Tags: interviste
Copertina: Frab's ospite del podcast di Matteo B. Bianchi - Frab's Magazines & More

Cover: Frab's guest of Matteo B. Bianchi's podcast

Guests of the last episode of Matteo Bianchi's podcast on, Cover, we told what is Frab's, what is the added value of the magazines you find on our site and, of course, to give some reading advice that ranges from magazines to books. 
June 07, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
gal-dem: un caso editoriale dalla parte dei diritti - Frab's Magazines & More

gal-dem: an editorial case on the side of rights

Established in 2015 by a young student tired of prejudice in the university, the story of gal-dem is that of a magazine that has become a real editorial case in a very short time, egperfect impious of how it is possible to combine an original and powerful idea with the beauty of paper. We tried to find out what the success of this award-winning magazine with crystal clear ideas depends on, created by and for non-binary people and women of color.
May 28, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
Indoors Zine: una free-zine in pdf sulla vita da quarantena - Frab's Magazines & More

Indoors Zine: a free-zine in pdf about quarantine life

In recent months there are those who have given us small and free pills of culture and independent publishing. Like the collaborators of It's Nice That who came up with a free zine to download for free, all dedicated to isolation and indoor quarantine life.
May 17, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
Tags: fanzine
ACT Magazine - Intervista a Wassim Fakhouri - Frab's Magazines & More

ACT Magazine - Interview with Wassim Fakhouri

ACT (See The Act) Magazine is an editorial experiment entirely dedicated to art that intrigued us for the charismatic and hypercreative figure of the mind that gave birth to it: Wassim Fakhouri (photo), young and eccentric artistic director who divides his life between Toronto and Beirut, his homeland. We interviewed him to let us tell the genesis of this magazine.
May 10, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
Storia del Secret Mag Club - L'abbonamento alle riviste di Frab's - Frab's Magazines & More

History of the Secret Mag Club - The subscription to Frab's magazines

When we founded Frab's, we asked ourselves how to interpret the subscription service for independent magazines. 
Taking a cue from various European models and we have given life to the formula of Secret Mag Club, the first and only Italian subscription of independent magazines (surprisingly!).
May 03, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
Cinque minuti con Natassa Pappa di Desired Lanscapes - Frab's Magazines & More

Five minutes with Natassa Pappa from Desired Lanscapes

Natassa Pappa, creator of Desired Landscapes is the protagonist of our first video-interview. We asked her how her magazine was born, but also some great advice for those who want to try to launch their own independent publication. Natassa will not hide from us that it is tough, but if you remember why an editorial project is so important to you, all the difficulties take a back seat. 
May 02, 2020 — Clean Canvas Collaborator
Come creare una rivista - Intervista a Fontegrafica - Frab's Magazines & More

How to create a magazine - Interview with Fontegrafica

Tips for creating an independent magazine? We asked Fontegrafica, leader in Italy in the graphic arts sector, to give some useful advice to those who want to approach the creation of a magazine.
April 26, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
Interviste: nelle viscere di QUANTO Magazine - Frab's Magazines & More

Interviews: in the bowels of QUANTO Magazine

HOW MUCH it is not a magazine that goes unnoticed and, to be honest, it is also a bit difficult to call it a magazine, different as it is from anything that has ever come into your hands. We interviewed Giovani Cavalleri and Zeno Toppan to tell us about the editorial choices that hide behind their magazine
April 18, 2020 — Dario Gaspari
La nostra intervista per Timone, la newsletter di Rivista Inutile - Frab's Magazines & More

Our interview for Timone, the newsletter of Rivista Inutile

Some time ago those good guys from Rivista Inutile interviewed us for their newsletter, HelmA nice chat came out of it, which we report here, in which we tell who we are and what we do. 
April 15, 2020 — Dario Gaspari