Athleta n.7


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Athleta is an independent magazine that talks about sport, but defining it that way would be really an understatement, that's why, to tell you about it, we borrow the words of those Athleta who lives it and does it: 
"Athleta is the words of sport. It is a piece of writing that helps the image. It creates the atmosphere by giving a personal, highly personal interpretation. It is a journey into the principle of resilience, in the discovery of one's limits through the body. In the name the goal to reach, the point to be scored, the sacrifice to be made. Athleta is the photographic story of all this. It is the essence of strength and the absence of failure. That never exists when you are aware that you have given These are pages that must be looked at, explored and understood. They are images that have a soul and that touch the soul. They are details to discover and colors to taste. They are journeys to be undertaken ".

Dimensions: 21x27 cm
Number of pages: 176
Soft cover
Language: English with final translation into Italian

Muscles and thoughts, rapid and interminable journeys, sports poems. Athleta is here again, with an unprecedented graphic design, with the usual desire to penetrate the cultural sports imaginary.
The cover signed by Neil Gavin introduces Athleta Magazine Issue 07 and the New York 'Stomping Grounds', urban cathedrals consumed by hands and tractions. The same hands that embrace the Basque boulders of the Harri Jasotzea: a tradition that merges, an ocean away, with that of the Acapulco divers, the 'Los Clavadistas'. From history to history, from tradition to tradition. The feeble levers of the Kenyan runners of 'Home of Champions' move as fast as the ruined metal sheets of the Demolition Derbies, messy sanctuaries where rural America finds its own paradise. Rural paradise is also that of the Atlas Race, an exterior and interior journey in the suggestive Moroccan desert: a sensory itinerary recreated in parallel in the urban landscapes of 'Riding the Floating City' and 'Ballin Somewhere', thanks to the artistic strength of skateboarding and basketball. Finally, a leap into the future, in the engineering marvel of Rizoma, the engine workshop, the place capable of combining high-tech and elegance. Enjoy the ride.