Publishing as curatorship


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Publishing as curatorship is a book on magazines, released in September 2020 in Italy by Saul Marcadent, published by Marsilio Editore. We chose it for Frab's because it is a book that, although with a main focus on fashion, tells and explores the history, reality and future of magazines.
It is a book to know, understand, study magazines. A training which is really needed.

The publisher describes it to us like this:

"« A Magazine »,« Dutch »,« joe's »,« Purple »,« Self Service »,« Six »and« Visionaire »are some of the favored magazines for investigating the functioning of niche periodicals founded by groups of people who cultivate the collaborative dimension and experiment in the two-dimensional space of the page. Magazines intended as places of investigation, devices that stage the discourse of fashion and feed it through the languages of art direction, graphic design, photography and styling. deep into the nineties, they link the culture and the fashion system with artistic practices, manifesting the work of previously unknown authors. The visual essay at the beginning reflects on the performativity of editorial objects and, like an exhibition on a page, holds together the work of six contemporary photographers: Benoît Béthume, Elizabeth Bick, Alan Chies, Paolo Di Lucente, Estelle Hanania and Dario Salamone.
This book is part of the broader horizon of research - conducted by the working group of the Iuav University of Venice coordinated by Maria Luisa Frisa and engaged in the study of fashion and its cultures - which investigate Italian fashion and its stories, publishing, archives, training in fashion design, and the design cultures of this field of study. "