K - the literary magazine de Linkiesta n.3


K is the literary magazine de Linkiesta edited by Nadia Terranova. 
The third issue, City, dedicated to the theme of the City, hosts 18 authors with an original story written specifically for this edition. 

Contains original stories by Chiara Barzini, Annalisa Camilli, Cristiano Cavina, Claudia Durastanti, Tito Faraci, Viola Lo Moro, Francesca Marciano, Cristina Marconi, Davide Mosca, Francesco Pacifico, Giacomo Papi, Antonio Pascale, Giulio Perrone, Andrea Pomella, Emanuele Trevi, Matteo Trevisani, Alice Urciuolo, Valeria Usala. And the Wide Interview with Alessandro Piperno by Simonetta Sciandivasci.

"For years there has been talk of the city as the economic and social community from which to start again to build a new model of civil, political and cultural aggregation. The city is the center of the world, the heart of civilization, the human element of the institutional machine. For this, we decided with Nadia Terranova to entrust it to the creativity and imagination of the writers involved in this third issue of K, after the sex of the first issue and the memory of the second. You will read how each of the Italian narrators took the suggestion in a different and personal way, but after all, each of us has his own city of the heart, real and ideal, his own Ithaca.", Chirstian Rocca.

Photographs by Luca Rotondo, illustration by Jinhwa Jang