Tonic Mag n.1


The Tonic Mag is a fledgling English magazine that investigates the history, customs and pleasures of alcohol. With content of great depth it is an extremely interesting product because it tells about society, history and cultures through alcohol, becoming an object of great interest even for the less passionate about drinks, gin and rum. 

As for a good cocktail, each issue combines longforms and small interventions from all over the world that recount experiences of places and people who have made good alcohol a reason for living. 
The enthusiasts who brought this first independent publication to life are specialist industry experts who usually write about alcoholic beverages for The Times, The Atlantic, Vanity Fair is The Guardian.

The Tonic wants to inspire and intrigue the reader towards physical places and new products to discover around the world. The magazine is well edited from an editorial point of view and printed on a soft-touch cover. 


The first edition of the magazine, born in Autumn 2020, is a fascinating journey that incredibly starts from the custom of Soju in North Korea, then moves on to Haitian Rums, Negroni in Italy, Indian IPAs, Armenian brandy up to to a longform on the rural culture of alcohol in Africa, and in particular in Zimbabwe. 
Inside we find more common references to the alcoholic stories of Great Britain, France and the United States.
An elegant job done to satisfy those who think they already know everything about alcohol. 

Dimensions: 21x28 cm
English language
Pages: 144