Courier n. 46

63,00 zł

Courier is a London self-employed magazine. Since 2013 he has been telling the stories of small entrepreneurs and people who have created a company out of their passions every two months. The editorial motto is "Work better, live smarter, be happier", in the sense that the entrepreneurship he talks about is not that of large companies, but of those who today manage to self-realize by building a future on their passions. In fact, the Internet offers, today more than ever, the possibility of starting from scratch and forging a small company with your own hands that makes us feel more fulfilled and, in some ways, even free. 
It contains stories, tips, suggestions and interviews on how to manage your business.

The April / May 2022 edition of Courier is the annual issue that the magazine dedicates to the world of business that revolves around food and drink, shining a bright light on the new wave of experts in taste, brands and trends.

In this number:
- Cover story - Yola Jimenez of YOLA Mezcal, is using a family recipe to create a global beverage brand.
Let's find out which drinks are about to become pop. From functionality and fermentation to unusual flavors, our experts predict the biggest trends in the beverage industry to watch out for
- Earn money with recipes
- How the agricultural sector grows
- What are the prospects for soft drinks
- Brands built on food waste
- Inside a chewing gum factory
- Automatic plant dispensers
- Making natural wine in rural Japan
... and more.