Delayed Gratification n.42


Delayed Gratification, the quarterly edited by Marcus Webb and Rob Orchard, is the world's first Slow Journalism magazine. Published in London, among its pages it revisits the events that have taken place in the last 90 days to offer in-depth and independent journalism in an increasingly hectic world, enriched by infographics, photographic reports and an unmistakable long-form style. Its slogan is "the last on the latest news".

In this issue we relive, with an independent view, the main events that took place from January to March 2021:
- The launch of the vaccine in the UK
- Myanmar takes to the streets
- How the siege of Capitol Hill by Trump supporters unfolded
- Wall Street vs Gamestop
- The search for fallen stars
- The last of the flying Wallendas
- Eight years stuck on the Suez Canal
- Anatomy of a love song