New Left Review n. 124


New Left Review is a 160-page newspaper published every two months in London. Analyzes world politics, the global economy, the powers of states and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history and philosophy; cinema, literature, heterodox art and aesthetics. It has a section of book reviews and interviews, essays, current affairs comments and editorials signed on political issues of the day. 

Journal entries are welcome, but please review submission guidelines before submitting an article or book review. For questions regarding advertising, bookstore distribution, or subscriptions, please see full contact details.

ISSUE 124 - JUL. AUG. 2020

The Moves - Simon HammondKnight
A retrospective on the life and work of the pioneer cultural critic, theorist and professional Peter Wollen. From Methodist roots to Parisian exile, from radical journalism to avant-garde cinema, from autoeurism and semiotics to the landmark Raiding the Icebox.

Lola Seaton - Painting nationalism green?
If climate change were framed as a security threat to Western states, could it rally right-wing electoral forces towards an environmental agenda? Anatol Lieven's eco-nationalist program took shape in the latest installment of the debate on NLR's green strategy.

Göran Therborn - Dreams and nightmares of the world's middle classes
An investigation into the new changes within the vast "in-between" classes of the world and their contrasting trajectories in the north and south. How should their theorization - or ideologization - be read? - by development economists and financial journalists?

Gavin Rae in the Polish mirror
Poland's Atlanticist friends, deeply involved in the country's de-communization, now watch in horror as the national conservative right consolidates its dominance, seeking explanations in cultural stereotypes and trahison des clercs. Gavin Rae recommends self-critical reflection.

Alice Bamford Mathematics and modern literature
If modernist literature has been fascinated by the possibilities of mathematical formalism, mathematicians have repaid the compliment in their use of that fundamental avant-garde form: the manifesto. Here we publish excerpts from Alice Bamford's skill in treating the Bourbaki and Oulipo trial.

Franco Moretti The roads to Rome
Twenty years after "Conjectures on World Literature", Franco Moretti re-evaluates the research methodologies of close and distant reading in literary studies. Interpretation and measurement, history and textuality, struggle and discovery: how practicable is a synthesis of their approaches?

Alpa Shah on K. S. Komireddi, Malevolent Republic. A polemic against the corruption of the Indian Congress Party, once hegemonic, charged with paving the way for the rise of Hindutva.

Nick Burns on Yoram Hazony, The Virtue of Nationalism. An Israeli conservative defends the differentials of nation states against the universalizing ethic of US and EU imperialism.

Oliver Eagleton on Keir Milburn, Generation Left. Age as a key modality of the class, theorized by Hungarian sociology, autonomist Marxism and Badiouian philosophy.


Pages: 160
English language