Brand n.60


BranD is a trade magazine for those who deal with brand design for those who want to stay updated on what is happening in this world, engaged in the incessant search for its renewal. Bimonthly, it is published in Hong Kong by Sendpoints Publishing Co. Ltd. 
Among its pages we talk in depth about design and typography through the analysis of dozens and dozens of brand design projects from all over the globe. BrandD defines a new way of looking at communication design by presenting, researching and displaying excellent works including visual art, advertising, products, graphics, interiors, architecture, etc. Each issue also includes articles and insights from sector.
The Community section brings together designers, artists, art directors, marketing specialists and business strategists to reflect on communication design for business.

Number of pages: 200 
Dimensions: 29,5 x 22,5 cm
English language

Since 2012, BranD has embarked on his journey of inspiration in the design world. On the 9th anniversary, he chooses "Storm" as the theme of number 60.
In this issue, we not only pay tribute to 38 world-renowned designers and share their unique design philosophies and methods, but we also invite 9 emerging designers and design studios from 8 different countries to discuss the future of design together. 
If 10 years represents a mature adult, Brand will always be a 9 year old and with the eyes of a child he will continue to explore the world in a wild, unbridled, sincere way.

In this number:
1. Brand exclusively invited Canadian illustrator Mike Haddad, who worked on illustrations for the New York Times, to paint the portraits of 15 great men who have influenced the publishing industry and even the world. 
2. The 9 designers and design studios emerging from China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Spain, Hungary and Mexico together discuss future trends and essential skills that should be mastered in the design industry. 
3. 28 renowned design masters such as Kazumasa Nagai, Tadanori Yokoo, Yoshihisa Shirai, Paul Cox, Kashiwa Sato, Kazunari Hattori, Katsumi Asaba and Kenya Hara who collaborated with Brand before making an encore in this issue! They share their creative muses, studio corners, B-side lives and business collaborations, as well as their unique design philosophies. 
4. Exclusive Interview: Rick Fraterman is a Dutch artist who has been awarded the title of "Emerging Artist" by the Mondriaan Fund. His works are bright and vibrant, with a sense of pop and quirky, leaving a deep impression on viewers.
5. In this special issue, BranD includes 110 works in various styles and mediums, from classic masterpieces to the most avant-garde works of the moment to track how the design industry has changed over the past nine years.
6. Editorial design is Brand's special DNA. In this issue we specially include the key elements of all 60 issues of the Brand since it was founded in 2012 until today.
7. BrandD 9th anniversary issue uses fluorescent PVC cover, through translucent theory, two different colors create two visual effects as electrifying as a storm. The cover is specially customized with hot stamping and embossing technology, along with fluorescent colors, to create a visual bomb.
8. Each magazine comes with a storm card, which can be used as a bookmark or decorative image to create a "private storm" at home.