It's a Passion Thing magazine n. 4


It's a Passion Thing is a biannual magazine that celebrates the attitude and passion of many small entrepreneurs, artists and artisans who build their lifestyle and their path.
From craftsmanship to digital designer to entrepreneurship, this magazine offers a contemporary perspective on how to make projects a reality. Focusing on the identity, personality and individuality of the producers we meet in the pages of the magazine, It's a Passion Thing introduces us to stories of people (and objects) from all over the world who tell us their success stories or stories. bankruptcies.

Dimensions: 21.5x27.5 cm
Number of pages: 96
English language
Edition: 2000 copies

In this issue, the following were interviewed: 
ARIANNA BAVUSO - She presents her passion for the beauty of architecture and tells us how this leads to a better quality of life;
ANTONY COINTRE - How to become an extraordinary chef instead of a scared actor;
ANEKDOT - The importance of what you wear on the skin
REFORM - An affordable kitchen with great design didn't exist until Jeppe and Michael founded their brand
TANDEM ROASTERY - The shared passion for good coffee, great vinyls and friendly people
TOMIHIRO KONO - From the traditional art of the Geisha hairstyle to the creation of wigs for fashion shows and brands
MARTINA KUDLÁČEK interviewed by PETER SCHERNHUBER - Direction of documentaries on avant-garde cinema and love for the opera archive
MARTINO DI NAPOLI RAMPOLLA - Transforming a family palace into a space for artists, visitors and travelers from all over the world
EMILY EL YSE MILLER - Exploring new ways of doing business and how to communicate with her OffLimits cereal brand