The faces of two satisfied and courageous girls printed on the cover and those rounded and rounded top and bottom right corners. The Perfect Strangers project in its first edition welcomes you like this, soft and warm. The cover with some grain gives you security and makes you feel at home.

The house of Perfect Strangers, designed by Alice Xiang, is certainly not Berlin where it is printed, but the whole world. It is the perfect magazine to take on a trip or to travel with the mind in one of those gray days when the holiday period is still far away or when you are contemplating an alternative life. This magazine is a bit like the solution to when you use Google to search for places, customs, experiences, foods from areas of the world you've never been to, and you get so many results that you don't know which is the right one. Perfect Stragers makes you travel around the world and gives you the certainty of finding the right answers: you can't ask the questions, but there are so many answers from all over the world.

perfect strangers magazine

In the brief opening editorial of this issue one, Alice describes Perfect Strangers as the place where "stranger" (foreigner) doesn't have a negative meaning, but is something welcomed and new opportunities to explore.

The world is told through the stories of those who live it and not by "third" eyes. So there are contributions from Germany, America, Lagos, Stockholm, Bucharest, Tokyo and another infinity of places in the world. Each contribution is a piece of life lived, an important detail for someone in the world that becomes a written word to make someone who reads those words feel at home thousands of miles away.

Making rankings or highlighting strengths and weaknesses is always a thankless task we have in telling you about the magazines, but we must report the interview with Efe Cakarel, creator of MUBI, a streaming platform unknown to the general public but which counts over 200 million users worldwide and selects films and films not available in the major cinema distribution channels and makes them available in streaming. The interview contains a lot of details on the idea of MUBI which since 2007 with stubbornness and despite Netflix and company has resisted and has managed to carve out a respectable audience of subscribers.

If, on the other hand, you have to go (really or only with your mind) to America, a real gem is the village of 5,800 inhabitants of Solvang. Founded by Danes fed up with the harsh climate of their land, in 1911 they landed on unused land in California and decided to create a small paradise of "danesity", but with a milder climate. Today the country tries to resist as a small corner of Denmark in the heart of the most American territory ever.

There is talk of strange foods and food mixes in this magazine, and so every now and then stories and recipes pop up on pierogi-dumplings, on the restaurant of culinary multiculturalism in Istanbul, cabbage in Scandinavian countries and a touch of Thessaloniki.

To close the volume, design ideas with innovative experiments in the field of design from all over the world.

And then many other journeys, experiences and life stories without an apparent logical thread other than the sweet discovery of multiculturalism in its most beautiful and open forms.

A small pearl are the two small coated paper inserts, of which we let you discover the contents. The magazine is entirely in English.

If you want to start the journey with Perfect Strangers, the volume is available here

Enjoy the reading!

Mai 06, 2019 — Dario Gaspari

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